Cheap, Good, and Convenient… which two will you pick?

In today’s post I want to continue on our journey with healthy eating and nutrition. This is just as important as training one’s body to do discover one’s athletic ability. I hope you took the small challenge from the last post and recorded what you ate and drank during the

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The word of the month is…

AWARENESS… At Athlees Coaching we strive on helping folks discover their athletic ability and we do this through fitness and endurance sports. But part of discovering one’s athletic ability also has to do with nutrition and healthier eating. Proper nutrition and healthy eating is just as important as training one’s

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Help coach, can I still train or race if…

There are days as athletes when we are off in our training. We feel fatigued, sluggish, and mentally we are just not there. Sometimes we are able to push through and other times we don’t. If there are times we catch a cold or get sick, we normally back off

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5 things not to do during your taper week

If you are coming up or on your taper for your upcoming race, here are some helpful things not to do during your taper. 1. This is not the time to go soft, meaning do no training or minimal amount of training. 2. This is not the time to go

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Hi, I'm Coach Ben!

I provide personal health, fitness, and endurance coaching in order to help folks PREP for a healthier lifestyle, so that they can have the life they want by looking great, feeling great, and have the confidence to take on the world.

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